Fr 03 Apr Giga - die "Technikfreunde" treffen sich ;)
Do 16 Apr Christoph J. Mutter (A)
Do 16 Apr Lokal 2000 (A)
Do 16 Apr e~scape lounge Fennesz
Sa 18 Apr i|o 360° digital design inc. (New York/USA)
Mi 22 Apr Sadie Plant (Birmingham/UK)
Do 23 - So 26 Apr The Society of Unknowns (London/UK)
Do 23 Apr e~scape lounge ‘Escape From South London’
Fr 24 Apr Boris Karloff (London/UK)
Fr 24 Apr Christoph Fringeli (London/UK)
Sa 25 Apr Sonic Revolution Now! (London/UK)
Mi 29 Apr Stewart Home (London/UK)
Do 30 Apr e~scape lounge Polyphon 2 MOL
Fr 03 Apr Giga - die "Technikfreunde" treffen sich ;)
diese veranstaltung wendet sich an jene technikfreaks, die ueber die konventionelle nutzung von gadgets hinausdenken koennen. kreative geister mit jeder menge knowhow sind gerne gesehen :) diesmal gibt es einen kurzen vortrag ueber GNUs hurd technischer ueberblick; /dev/dillo) und wieder eine signing party fuer pgp keys.
Keys an:
URL: (jeden 1.Freitag im Monat um 17:00)

Do 16 Apr 19:00 Christoph J. Mutter (A)
'Project Peacemaker' - Feierliche Einweihung des Mirco$oft Hate Button
Die Mirco$oft Hatepage:
Ein M$-Hate Button wird in den Räumen von Public Netbase t0 montiert. Bei jedem Tastendruck bzw. Faustschlag gegen den Taster wird eine Hass-E-mail an Microsoft geschickt. "Die Seite, die am ehestesn zensuriert werden wollte."
(Jurybegründung Prix Ars Electronica 95 Anerkennungspreis)
Do 16 Apr 19:30 Lokal 2000
Österreichs Beitrag zur digitalen Revolution, oder Gulasch und Cyberspace
Buchpräsentation von "Die Verkabelung von Mitteleuropa. Medienguerilla - Netzkritik - Technopolitik" (edition selene) von Oliver Marchart.
Programm: Verstreute Lesungen zu Lokalem: Ars Electronica, Schwachsinn und Medienkunst, Netzzensur und Microsoft, das Wiener electronic-music Wunder according to Alois Huber, Cyberspace als Toyspace, etc., und Globalem: eine Kritik an Medien- Subversion, -Guerilla, -Sabotage, -Störung, -Dissidenz, -Piraterie, -Hijacking und Netzkritik und ähnlichen Dingen. Begleitprogramm: Gäste aus dem Umkreis des laton-Labels (lokal/global), eine Gratis-Gulaszintervention (lokal) von A. Krier, sowie Soundbytes von einem sonntäglichen Waldviertelausflug (lokal) und dem Rauschen der Datenautobahn in Weinkellern (lokal/global).
Oliver Marchart: "Die Verkabelung von Mitteleuropa. Medienguerilla - Netzkritik - Technopolitik"
Wien: edition selene, 1998, ISBN: 3-85266-065-3

Buy book - Get Gulasz for free!!!
Do 16 Apr ab 21:00 e~scape lounge Fennesz
Christian Fennesz bietet keinen herkömmlichen Live-Auftritt sondern Einblicke in seine Werkstatt und präsentiert Work in Progress für seine nächsten Veröffentlichungen (Mego,Touch). Eintritt 30.-
Sa 18 Apr 14:00 Workshop mit i|o 360° digital design inc. (New York/USA)
Für Personen, die bereits Erfahrung im Bereich Web Design haben, werden Steve Cannon, Gong Szeto und Kirsten Weiss von i|o 360° ( einen Workshop zum Thema Design im Netz abhalten. Die TeilnehmerInnenzahl ist begrenzt, Voranmeldung unter, die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
In Kooperation mit der Basis Wien und der Vortragsreihe "Signs of Trouble".
Infos: Christian Muhr, basis wien,, T ( +43-1) 522 67 93 o. T/F (+43-1) 522 67 94
Mi 22 Apr 19:00 Sadie Plant (Birmingham/UK)
Information War in the Age of Dangerous Substances
Drugs are soft and contagious technologies, direct and intimate means of modifying human perception and behaviour. For much of the twentieth century, they have been portrayed as one of the most serious and insidious threats to the stability of Western culture. Their control has become crucial to the maintenance of every level of cultural and social organization, from geo-political stability to that of the individual organism and its conceptions of reality. An analysis of their control can provide a stark, revealing diagram of some of the most basic mechanisms of regulation and evasion at work wherever such technologies are on the loose.
Sadie Plant graduated from the University of Manchester in 1985 and was awarded her PhD in Philosophy in 1989. She was Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham for five years, and was appointed as a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick in 1995. She published The Most Radical Gesture, The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age in 1992, and Zeros and Ones, Digital Women and the New Technoculture in 1997. She is now writing full-time, and her next book, Dangerous Substances will be published in 1999.
Do 23 - So 26 Apr The Society of Unknowns (London/UK)
Towards a Sonic Revolution
täglich 14:00 – 19:00 vor der Oper und im Public Netbase t0 Media~Space!
Installed in front of Vienna’s opera house, a freight container (once used to transport commodities) is transformed into a psychogeographical feedback device. The Society of Unknowns has established sound generation as a collective cultural production; the system works like this: listeners operate the feedback device via the email address and web site URL painted on the side of the container; the sound is generated from email texts converted to midi information, a web site sample dump and city recordings... these sounds are then fed into an installation of synthesizer, drum machines and samplers at Public Netbase (which anyone can visit), mixed and transmitted to the container as a Real Audio stream. Sonic revolution... the Society of Unknowns is part of a generation that has discovered how to compose with noise. The Society of Unknowns uses noise for non-determined and uncontrollable possibilities, and to confirm the limits of words. The Society of Unknowns explores the terrifying realisation that all information can be transformed into noise. The psycho-social implications of this are clear. If digital information can be converted from one form to another with ease, the boundaries become eroded as all forms of representation are understood as fluid and inconstant. Harsh, extreme frequencies are connected to a culture of remixing and sampling, in which originality is dismissed in favour of collectivity and anonymity. And high art concepts of composition and authorship have been destroyed in public decodings of both urban and media spaces.
(Society of Unknowns South London April 1998)

The Society of Unknowns is based in South London, where it forms part of a growing sub-net of activity based around experimental dance music. In the last decade or so, alongside the enclosure of political debate in the public arena and the continuing contraction of social space, there has been an outbreak of music that becomes the soundtrack to resistance, not just in the sense of people fighting cops on the streets, but also in terms of a micro-politics, where the ability to become intensified can convey a rejection of the existing models held out for mass acceptance. The Society of Unknowns is dedicated to exploring the new degrees of liberty expressed by experiments with rhythms, frequencies and noise. contact: Society of Unknowns BM Jed, London, WC1N 3XX
Do 23 Apr ab 21:00 e~scape lounge 'Escape From South London'
Ambush/Praxis night with Aphasic (Ambush) and Christoph Fringelli (Praxis).
Urban breaks/ drum ‘n’ noise from South London’s sub-net. Eintritt 30.-

Fr 24 Apr 19:00 Boris Karloff (London/UK)
Dark Terrors - An Unforgettable Visit to the Hammer House of Horror
A presentation of some very reliable tactics for resisting Zombie Culture including: a History of The Hammer House of Horror; Boris Karloff as a collective phantom; media scares and geoepistemological speculations; electronic listservers as disinformation networks and construction sites for urban myths and other rhetorical devices; a selection of other tactics for plugging into the General Intellect …
Boris Karloff is a collective phantom, a name that anyone can use, a connection to the general intellect, a resistance to zombie culture … The Hammer House of Horror is an electronic mailing list, a speculative playground that creates its own mythologies and complex patterns, eventually transforming itself into a self-reflexive perpetuum mobile. Hammer House residents regularly make use of fake names. One of the more commonly utilised is 'Boris Karloff', "a name that anyone can use". Included in the signature to Hammer House of Horror email is the following declaration, "The non-existence of this Hammer House of Horror is guaranteed by a multiplicity of discords, paradoxes and contradictions. Listen carefully to these tangled plots and you may hear a new world". contact: HHH, BM Jed, London, WC1N 3XX htstp://
Fr 24 Apr 19:00 Christoph Fringeli (London/UK)
Information Terror Civil War
Information Warfare as civil warfare in "Information society”. A run-down on the concepts of Information War in the context of (post-)modern warfare and how they may apply to Internal Security. Low Intensity Conflicts as a part of an overall strategy of total control. Old forms of propaganda vs. new forms of technological mind control. A (not necessarily systematic) overview over non-conventional forms of control (such as drugs, muzak, random assassinations) as well as a discussion of strategies of how to decode and resist them.

Activities in underground publishing and distribution of magazines, records. Organisation of events and involvements in multiple name concepts. Currently editor of datacide (Magazine) and runs Praxis (records) and co-runs Sub/version (records) with Vienna’s DJ Pure. Most recent record release Base Force One "Welcome to Violence” (Praxis 27).
See also: and

Sa 25 Apr 14:00-19:00 Sonic Revolution Now!
Workshop mit Society of Unknowns (London/UK)
Teilnahme gratis. Voranmeldung unbedingt erforderlich unter
Der Workshop ist allen Interessierten offen, die mit digitaler Soundverarbeitung arbeiten wollen. Die TeilnehmerInnenanzahl ist auf 8 Personen beschränkt. Sonic Revolution Now! A workshop with the Society of Unkowns audio assault squad exploring the ideas and issues raised by their psychogeographical feedback project "Towards a Sonic Revolution”. Participants will be invited to wander the urban environment of Vienna searching for audio sources to record. The results will be brought back to Public Netbase’s sound laboratory for further editing and filtering, and then samples will be fed into the "Sonic Revolution” feedback system. The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in the use of digital technologies with sound. Workshop limited to 8 people.

Mi 29 Apr 19:00 Stewart Home (London/UK)
Mind Invaders: Lies, Hoaxes & Hidden Truths
It is my contention that the media conglomerates are the real information terrorists. Explaining this necessitates addressing the ways in which the spectacle of terrorism is a modern theatrical form which in the media discourse is inseparable from the closely related notions of art terrorism and the avant-garde. Most people claim to be sceptical about the media but regardless of this the mass media maintains a pervasive influence. Recently individuals in Germany, Italy, the USA and the British Isles have been experimenting with new forms of media hoaxing and ways of creating new urban mythologies. Ridiculous information is fed into the media system and loops back on itself. The results can be startling and not always inconsequential. In Italy the Luther Blissett Project has made a laughing stock of various media figures through the dexterous use of the press release. In the UK groups such as Decadent Action and the London Psychogeographical Association pursue different strategies to those of their Italian comrades in a very different media landscape. Freelance journalism has provided numerous opportunities to plant fake stories in the press. While hoaxing is as old as history itself, I want to look at ways in which those involved in this practice have adapted to an increasingly fragmented but globalised media culture.
Stewart Home is the author of six novels as well as a number of non-fiction works about punk rock and avant-garde movements. He recently edited the anthology Mind Invaders: A reader in psychic warfare, cultural sabotage and semiotic terrorism (Serpent’s Tail, London 1997). Two of his books have been translated into German by the radical Hamburg publisher Edition Nautilus and his activities are extensively covered in Oliver Marchart’s Neoismus: Avantgarde und Selbsthistorisierung (Edition Selene, Wien 1997)
Do 30 Apr ab 21:00 e~scape lounge Polyphon 2 MOL
Polyphon 2 ‘Autopoiesis Kompaktprojekt’ Demontage eines willkürlichen Ausgangspunktes: Polyphon 1, 19. Dez 1997, Club Duchamp. Polyphon 2 generiert sich aus Polyphon 1. Fremdmaterial zu eigenem Material in 3 Schritten: Set. Bearbeitung. Set. Polyphon wird fortgesetzt.
MOL - the new label for electronic music - presents: STRESS! The unique interference sound by dgV & g.kahn Centered around the same base material STRESS! deals with conscious "day activity” - up to panic - , while SLEEP covers unconscious "night aspects” of human personality / psyche.
Come in and enjoy ! MOL - We care and protect !
Special : Mangas & Dreammachines Eintritt 30.-

Einführung ins Internet: jeden Montag 18:00
Teilnahme gratis, Voranmeldung nicht erforderlich

Basic-HTML Workshop
Nur gegen Voranmeldung, Internet-Kenntnisse Voraussetzung
Public Netbase t0 Media~Space!
A Culture and Youth Oriented Center for New Communication Technologies
Public Netbase t0 is a non-profit Internet service provider. Along with being an internationally acclaimed content developer, the organization also runs an comprehensive event and information program in the Viennese Museumsquartier. Public Netbase provides its 1000 users with the technical assistance and knowledge needed for active and creative participation in Internet communication and the World Wide Web. Its existence has fostered the growth of an interesting and lively Internet scene and has increased awareness of the implications of new communication and information technologies in Austria. Public Netbase is committed to the exploration of the relations between culture and technology, art and society, science and politics. Its World Wide Web Server was awarded the Prix Ars Electronica 95.

Public Netbase wird gefördert von
Bundeskanzleramt - KUNST Wien Kultur Bundeskurator Wolfgang Zinggl Verein Stadtimpuls Verein "Wiener Jugendkreis" BM:wv niederösterreich kultur Jugend/Bildung
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
(in alphabetischer Reihenfolge) Bank Austria Depot. Design&Möbel Ericsson Österreich IDEAL communications Lexmark Österreich Silicon Graphics Österreich Tongenerator TU Multi Media
Mit Unterstützung des British Council.
t0 Public Netbase Media~Space! News Nr. 01/98 April 1998
Redaktion: Konrad Becker, Marie Ringler
Design: sense \ njet